Therefore, you must configure the following parameters:
Modbus function code
The following function codes are available:
Function code
Read Coils
Read Discrete Inputs
Read Holding Registers
Read Input Registers
Concatenation with previous frame
This parameter provides the option to not create a new radio frame and to include the result
of the Modbus frame with the result of the previous Modbus/radio frame.
Slave address
Indicates the address of the Modbus slave device.
Register or bit address
Indicates the address of the first register or bit to be read.
Radio header
The radio header is a value that is used to identify the type of radio frame. You must choose
the correct value in order to identify what data are included in the frame. When concatenation is used, only
the header of the first frame will be used.
Number of registers or bits to read
A frame is considered as unused if this value is equal to 0. Depending on the function code
you have selected and the number of frame concatenations, you can indicate the number of registers or bits
that you want to read. Keep in mind that a Sigfox radio frame cannot contain more than 10 bytes of data,
i.e. 5 Modbus registers. A LoRaWAN radio frame cannot contain more than 34 bytes of data, i.e. 17 Modbus
For more details, see the section on ‘
Modbus frame parameters (Code 30 to 61)