To ensure compliance with radio standards, it is essential that you select an appropriate interval time for the
number of radio frames that will be broadcast. This comes to 15 radio frames for LoRaWAN and 6 radio
frames for Sigfox every hour.
Modbus timeout:
During Modbus communication, if a slave does not respond during the specified time, an
error will be reported. This period is set to 1 second by default and can be set to values from 100 milliseconds
to 65 seconds, in increments of 100 milliseconds.
Keep-alive frame parameter:
A keep-alive frame can be transmitted periodically. On a Sigfox network, this frame is also
used to request the transmission of a downlink frame, thus providing the ability to reconfigure the ACW
remotely via radio.
The following periods are available:
Deactivated (no keep-alive frame is transmitted).
Every hour.
Every two hours.
Every four hours.
Every eight hours.
Every day.
Every two days.
Every three days.
Every four days. (default)
Once a week (every 7 days).
Once a month (every 30 days).
Parameter settings for Modbus and radio frames:
You can configure up to 49 Modbus frames and a certain number of radio frames, depending
on your statement period. A radio frame is defined by the parameters from the Modbus frames.