Manual, F/T Sensor, Serial Axia
Document #9610-05-Serial Axia-05
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel:+1 919.772.0115 • Fax:+1 919.772.8259 •
7. Maintenance
7.1 Periodic Inspection
With industrial-type applications that frequently move the system’s cabling, check the cable jacket for
signs of wear. The Axia sensor is IP64 rated. Debris and dust should be kept from accumulating in or on the
sensor. The surface of the sensor can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol, if contaminated by its environment.
The sensor itself should experience no wear, if used within the operating ranges and fastened to the proper
torque specification. Refer to
Section 3.3—Installing the Sensor to the Robot
7.2 Periodic Calibrating
Periodic calibration of the sensor and its electronics is required to maintain traceability to national standards.
Follow the applicable ISO-9000-type standards for calibration. ATI Industrial Automation recommends
annual accuracy checks. Refer to
Section 3.6—Setting-Up Communications with the Seri
8. Troubleshooting
This section includes answers to some issues that might arise when setting up and using the Serial Axia. The
question or problem is listed followed by its probable answer or solution. They are categorized for easy reference.
The information in this section should answer many questions that might arise in the field. Customer service is
available to users who have problems or questions addressed in the manuals.
Please read the manual before calling customer service. Before calling, have the following information available:
Serial number (e.g., FT01234)
2. Sensor model (e.g., Axia80, etc.)
3. Calibration (e.g., US-15-50, SI-65-6, etc.)
Accurate and complete description of the question or problem
For the status code; refer to
For the system’s response to the status command; refer to
Section 5.13—Status Command: “status”
Computer and software information (operating system, PC type, drivers, application software, and other
relevant information about the application’s configuration)
If possible, be near the F/T system when calling.
For additional troubleshooting information or to speak with a customer service representative, please contact ATI at:
ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Drive
Apex, NC 27539 USA
Application Engineering
Tel: +1.919.772.0115, Extension 511
Fax: +1.919.772.8259