PARTNER Phone Does Not Work
Possible Cause
Do This
1. Phone needs to be
Unplug the cord from the
The problem remains,
Go to Possible Cause 2.
bottom of the phone and
plug it in again. lMPOR-
TANT: Make sure the
handset is hung up when
you plug in the cord.
2. Faulty telephone.
Unplug the cord from the
The other phone works,
The old phone was faulty.
base of the problem
Call 1 800 628-2888 to
phone and plug it into a
arrange for a replacement.
phone that works.
The other phone does not
Go to Possible Cause 3.
3. Bad telephone
Unplug the cord from the
If the phone works,
The cord is bad. Call 1
base of the phone and the
800 628-2888 to arrange
wall jack. Replace it with
for a replacement.
a cord that works.
If the phone does not
Go to Possible Cause 4.
work, and it is part of a
combination extension,
If the phone does not
Call 1 800 628-2888.
work, and it is not part of a
combination extension,
4. Bad adapter or
If the phone is part of a
The phone works,
There is a problem with
combination device.
combination extension
the other device attached
with another phone or dev-
to the extension or the
ice, unplug the adapter
bridging adapter.
from the wall jack. Unplug
Replace the other device.
the phone’s cord from the
If the problem is still not
adapter and plug it
fixed, call 1 800 628-2888.
directly into the wall jack.
The phone does not work,
Call 1 800 628-2888.