To Logout of the Tracking Portal, click the drop down arrow located at the far right of the main
menu bar, immediately to the right of “Logged In As” and click Logout.
The following window will pop up to confirm your request. Click Logout again.
To help keep your Product up-to-date, firmware updates happen periodically and automatically.
No assistance is needed by the User to complete this action.
Battery operated products require the User to achieve a balance between battery life and perfor-
mance. Everyone wants the fastest and most current updates and the ability to view the Product
as it moves close to real-time. There is, however, a direct and inverse relationship between the
frequency of updates and the overall battery life, with more frequent updates resulting in a shorter
battery life. Increasing the size of the Product’s battery likewise increases its weight and size.
The Amber Alert GPS Product provides real-time updates approximately every 5 minutes,
recording tracking history for later review so the designated Users can see everywhere the
Product has been – even when you’re not watching.
Many factors affect battery life. These factors include, but are not limited to: region (rural or
suburban), proximity to cell towers, indoor use versus outdoor use, voice usage, cell phone
inhibitors placed in public areas such as schools, areas next to military bases, etc. Typical battery
life for the standard battery is approximately 30 to 36 hours.
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