Use the “plus” sign and “minus” sign to zoom in and out.
The default Zone radius is set at 1,000 feet. If you want to adjust the radius, press the
drop down arrow in the Zone Radius box and select your desired radius.
When you are satisfied with the Zone you have created, then select whether you would
like to be alerted “When Entering” the Zone, “When Exiting” the Zone or both.
Give your Zone a name, for example “School”, “Grandma’s”, “Home”, etc.
If you successfully create a new Zone, a pop-up window will appear with the message: Zone
Successfully Created. Click OK. Now you should see your new Zone added to the right column
of predefined zones.
After you create your first Zone, you will see a “Current Status” notice in the top right-hand corner
of your screen. If the “Current Status” indicates “ON”, that means that your Zones are all active
and Alerts will be sent to your Users in the manner you have designated.
The menu tab labeled “Zones” should be displaying a green circle icon with a plus sign in the
If you wish to DEACTIVATE all Zone Alerts to All Users, press the STOP button located above
the “Current Status” notice. REMEMBER, if you press the STOP button, no Zone Alerts will be
sent to any of your designated Users, the “Current Status” notice will indicate “OFF”.
The menu tab labeled “Zones” will be displaying a red circle icon with a minus sign in the middle.
If you would like to turn Zone Alerts off for a particular User or Users, but not all Users, please go
to the Users tab, press the Edit button to the right of the User whose Alerts you desire to modify,
select the applicable Product, customize the Alert settings for that User, and click the SUBMIT
When a Zone has been entered or exited, Zone-In or Zone-Out Alerts will be sent to all
designated Users via Email. Please note that because of satellite angles, Zone parameters can
be exceeded prematurely. Experiment with Zone radius perimeters for optimal results.