AT-OS S.r.l.
Viale del Lavoro, 19 37030 Colognola ai Colli (Verona) Italy
Tel. ++39 045 6159411- Fax ++39 045 6159422 -
: [email protected] – www.at-os.com
Never cover the labels on the machine for any reason. Immediately replace damaged labels.
The outlet for the power cable must be correctly ground.
Never use the machine in an explosive atmosphere.
Never use the machine to wash or disinfect objects (thermal version only) and/or containers which, because of their shapes or
materials, are incompatible with the guidelines given by the manufacturer. Always keep explicitly to the instructions on the support
for the objects to be washed.
Turn off the power and close the water cocks whenever the machine will not be used for a long period of time.
Never try to open the basin door when the appliance is operating: the appliance has a special safety device that blocks the door and
prevents it from opening.
Installation, Deinstallation, maintenance, adjustments or any type of intervention that requires removal of guards or opening of
Work on electrical and plumbing systems necessary to prepare the site where the machine will be installed must be performed by
qualified personnel according to current standards and according to the best rules of the trade.
Always interrupt electrical power to the machine whenever performing maintenance. Do this by opening the service switch located
inside the lower panel or the multi-pole circuit breaker installed upstream from the appliance. Always take all necessary safety
measures so that, when the electrical supply is interrupted, some of the manufacturer's safety devices can be excluded.
This appliance must be used by adults who are aware of the contents of this manual.
Never, for whatever reason, modify the characteristics of the appliance nor its installation specifications nor its preset parameters.
Always close the wash basin door after loading or unloading the objects to be washed (bedpans, urinals, etc.) in order to prevent bad
smells from coming out from the drain.
NEVER USE WATER to extinguish flames in case of fire: use a powder fire extinguisher.
Do not wash the machine with jets of direct water or pressurized water or corrosive substances.
If you encounter malfunctions check that these are not the result of insufficient routine maintenance. If this is not the case then
contact the AT-OS S.r.l. Service Center. Repairs performed by persons who are not qualified by AT-OS S.r.l. can cause further
damage to property and/or harm to persons.
Always ask for ORIGINAL AT-OS S.r.l. SPARE PARTS if one or more components of the appliance must be replaced. Use only
products recommended by AT-OS S.r.l. in this manual.
The machine must not be abandoned when it is scrapped because it contains materials subject to regulations for disposal in special
waste disposal centers.
Check that work surface and floors are strong enough to support the load stated on the appliance's identification plate. The machine
does not generate harmful vibrations.
Before installing the machine make sure that the supply voltage is as indicated on the machine's identification plate and that the
water supply pressure is as indicated in the appliance's technical specifications. Also check that the drain is sized according to the
installation layout.
Use care, during installation, to be sure not to crush the power cable and the water hoses.
Failure to comply with these regulations can compromise the appliance safety and IMMEDIATELY invalidates guarantee coverage.
Never use the machine without fastening it to the floor using the anchor kits furnished with the appliance.
Never install the machine in the same rooms where patients are lodged. The machine may heat up the room and increase humidity.