Freq: The carrier frequency of the ultrasound wave transmitted and received by the transducer.
Gain: The digital gain is used to adjust the brightness of the image.
Persistence: It is a type of temporal smoothing used in ultrasound imaging. Successive frames are
averaged as they are displayed to reduce the variations in the image between frames, hence
lowering the temporal resolution of the image.
This function can be used to adjust different image
processing levels to reduce image noise and make the image more delicate. 0 means this function
is off.
Enhancement: Imagine enhancement processing
FPS: Frames per second.
Provides three modes including energy saving, normal and high
performance, representing different image smoothness.
TGC: (Time Gain Compensation). Ability to compensate for the attenuation of the transmittal beam
as the sound wave travels through tissue in the body. The goal of TGC is to make the entire image
look evenly lit from top to bottom.
Advanced Settings: When the user touches this button, there would be listed other buttons which
depended the mode that user selected.
Dynamic range: When the user touches this button, it allows the user to tell the transducer how
does want the echo intensity displayed as shades of gray. A broad range will display more shades
of gray and an overall smoother image. A narrow range will display fewer shades of gray and
appear as a higher contrast with a more black-and-white image.
Gray Map: When the user touches this button, it is adjusting gray maps on ultrasonic image has a
similar effect on an ultrasound image as changing the dynamic range but they are different. While
Dynamic Range adjusts the overall number of shades of gray, a gray map determines how dark or
light you prefer to show each level of white/gray/black based upon the strength of the ultrasound
Freeze Timer: When the user touches this button, the system could be selected how many second
in static situation.
Mirror: Flip the image horizontally.
Line Density: Adjusts the number of scan lines in your ultrasound image. A higher level provides
better resolution in the image (more scan lines), but reduces the frame rate.
Color PRF: When the user touches this button, the time is between the onset of one pulse till the
onset of the next pulse. It is measured in units of time. This parameter includes the time the pulse
is “on” and the listening time when the transducer is “off”. It can be changed by the sonographer
by varying the depth to which the signal is send.
Color Gain: Number of Doppler pulses per line of color Doppler information.
Steering Angle: The ultrasound scanning angle.
Color Wall Filter: Filter out low or high frequency Doppler signals.
Color Threshold: Remove parts of the image that fall within a specified color range.
LOI Angle: LOI (Line of Interest) angle with visualized UI corresponding to the steering angle in CF
PW Enter: When the user taps this button, it will enter PW mode. Keep LOI position and parameter
values. (PW Gate, Gain, PW Angle)