Media is for the volume of videos and music that would be playing through your device.
Alarm is for the volume of any alarms set on your device.
Ring is for the volume for the ringtone to notify you of incoming calls and messages.
To change any of these, highlight the respective options with the up or down arrow key, then use the left and
right arrow keys to adjust the slider until you are satisfied with the volume levels.
When adjusted to your liking, simply press the top right-hand button labelled “Back” to leave the Sound settings
or press the up/down arrow keys to select a different option to change.
Also vibrate for calls is a setting which can be enabled/disabled depending on whether you would like the phone to
vibrate when receiving calls.
Do Not Disturb preferences are settings which can be configured regarding Do Not Disturb, which is a feature on
Android which blocks ringtones and notifications noises and screen prompts when enabled.
Phone ringtone is the tone that plays when you receive a call, this can be changed to something different. To do so:
Highlight the phone ringtone option, and press the Select key
A new window will appear showing a variety of different ringtones. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a
different ringtone.
If you hover over a ringtone, it will play a preview of what the ringtone will sound like.
To select a ringtone, use the Select key.
Press the top left-hand key labelled “OK” to save your selection.
Advanced can be opened by highlighting this option and pressing the Select key. Under this, you can change the
Default notification and Default alarm sound (follow the same instructions as changing the Phone ringtone).
You are also able to make additional changes to different tones, such as Dial pad tones, Dial number voice, charging
sounds, flip sounds, Emergency Alert configuration, and Sound enhancement.