SIM card and may have been transferred from a previous device.
If you enter the incorrect PIN code three times, it will lock the SIM and ask for a PUK code. This PUK code can be
retrieved from your telecom provider.
Instructions to enable the PIN code can be found in the “Security” section of the manual.
Keypad Functionality
The arrow keys are predominantly used to move around different screens and options. Most of the time, your
selection will be highlighted in a bright orange to help you differentiate between your selection and the rest of the
screen. These arrow keys can be used to scroll between different options.
The top left-hand and right-hand “context” keys will change commands when highlighting over different menus and
options. We recommend checking the options before confirming your selections with the keys when navigating
through different screens.
The Select key is primarily used to enter into selections highlighted by the arrow keys. Please be aware of where you
are pressing when using the arrow keys, as you can accidentally hit the Select key and unintentionally enter a
different menu/screen.
Your camera/messaging/contact shortcut keys allow you to access these applications in a faster way than navigating
to them with the arrow and select keys. These key operations cannot be changed.
To activate/deactivate vibrate only, hold the hash key for two seconds.
To quit any application and return to the landing page, press the red hang-up key once. Please note that if you do this
during a phone call, you will end the call.