FXSO H.323 Gateway User Manual
Document Ver.: 105
Release Dec, 2004
[-volume line [voice level][input level][dtmf level]]
[-nscng [G711U used1][G711A used2][G723 used3]]
[-echo used][-mindelay t1][-maxdelay t2]
-print Display voice codec information and configuration.
-s e n d Specify sending packet size.
G.723 (30/60/90 ms)
G.729 (20/40/60/80 ms)
G.729A (20/40/60/80 ms)
G.729B (20/40/60/80 ms)
G.729AB (20/40/60/80 ms)
G . 7 1 1 U ( 2 0 / 4 0 / 60 ms)
G.711A (20/40/60 ms)
-priority Priority preference of installed codecs.
G . 7 2 3
G . 7 2 9
G . 7 2 9 A
G . 7 2 9 B
G . 7 2 9 A B
G . 7 1 1 U
G . 7 1 1 A
-volume Specify the following levels:
voice volume (0~63, default: 30),
input gain (0~63, default: 30),
dtmf volume (0~31, default: 23),
-nscng No sound compression and CNG (G.723.1 only, 0=Off, 1=O n).
-echo Setting of echo canceller. (0=Off, 1=On, per port basis).
-mindelay Setting of jitter buffer min delay. (0~150, default: 90).
-maxdelay Setting of jitter buffer max delay. (0~150, default: 150).
voice -send g723 60 g729 60 g729a 60 g729b 60 g729ab 60 g711u 60 g711a
voice -volume 1 voice 20 input 32 dtmf 27
voice -echo 1 1 1 1