Using the Terminal Block
The network camera comes with a Terminal Block
that can offer multiple functions to the user:
Pin 1 ~ 4:
Intended for triggering and receiving alarms
for the Event Configuration feature.
Pin 5, 6:
Terminal block also provides 2 pins, Pin 5 and
6, for “load default”. With 2 wires connected to Pin 5
& 6, keep 2 wires in touch until System LED fast
flashing. Then, separate them to activate “load
Connecting Alarm devices
Connect Pin 1 and Pin 2 for an external relay device such as an alarm that expects to be activated.
Connect Pin 3 and Pin 4 for an external Triggering device for sending a signal into the Network Camera.
Refer to Chapter 5) Configuring the camera, Event Settings for more references on how to use the even trigger
and alarm to perform tasks such as taking snapshots and uploading images.
Load default
With 2 wires connected to Pin 5 & 6, keep 2 wires in touch (or close circuit) until System LED fast flashing. Then,
separate (or open) them to activate “load default”.
Pin 6
Pin 5
Pin 1
COM (Relay Common)
Pin 2
D-OUT (Relay Normal
Pin 3
D-IN (Digital Input)
Pin 4
GND (Ground)
Pin 5
GND (Ground)
Pin 6
DEFAULT (Load Default)
Terminal Block Definition
1 2 3 4 5 6
Pin 1 Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4