Stop-Time Measuring System
Version 3.0.0
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5 Maintenance and disposal
Pos : 57 /Bedienungs anl eitungen/NM G2/I nst andhalt ung und Kalibri erung @ 6\ mod_1510926058249_78.doc x @ 49601 @ 2 @ 1
5.1 Maintenance and repair
Fuse replacement
When replacing the fuse, only the following fuse types may be used:
Fuse protection mains
1A, T
Fuse protection of stop circuit
5A, T
Do not open the stop-time measuring instrument. Opening the device means the loss of the warranty
Periodical maintenance of the stop-time measuring instrument is not necessary.
Before starting the measurement ensure that the sensor cable is free from dust and grease and not
Risk of injury when opening the device or the sensor
Due to possible risk of injury by improper handling, we strongly advise against repair
The stop-time measuring instrument was calibrated at the factory. It should be re-calibrated at least once per
year. A traceable certificate can be provided.
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5.2 Disposal
Disposal of the Stop Time Measuring System and posiwire
sensor according to applicable government
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