STEP 6: Engine & Cowl Installation
Using the 550 mm metal pushrod, trial fit the pushrod
through the firewall with the clevis at the nose wheel
that the angle of the steering arm is angled
approximately 45 degrees to the firewall to allow
movement in both directions.
Centre the nose wheel and mark and make a ‘Z’ bend
to complete the installation.
Fit the cowl mounting blocks to each corner of the fire-
wall as shown.
Place some masking tape along the front edge of the
fuselage and draw two lines so that they join at the
middle of the cowl mounting block.
Fit the cowl and hold temporarily in position with mask-
ing tape. Also place some masking tape of the rear
edge of the cowl.
Using a straight edge, continue the lines from the
masking tape on the fuselage onto the cowl and drill a
5 mm hole where the lines intersect.
With the cowl in place, measure the distance from the
front of the firewall to the front of the cowl. (approx
that if you are using a large glow engine, the
included engine mounts can be used. Install the
engine on to the engine mounts using this measure-
ment as a reference. Allow a few extra millimeters for
clearance between the spinner back plate and the
that If using a gasoline engine, stand-offs or
spacers may be required to get the correct distance
out from the firewall.
Measure and draw reference lines on the centre of the
firewall as shown.
Centre the engine on its mounts or stand offs, which
ever is applicable, and drill the holes for the mounting
Also drill a hole for the throttle pushrod to exit the