Advanced Scale Models Cessna 182 Assembly
STEP 1: Landing Gear & Wheel Spat Assembly (Main Gear)
Use some sandpaper to roughen up the inside of each
wheel spat.
Use some 30 minute epoxy to glue the plywood
reinforcing plates to the inside of each of the main
landing gear wheel spats.
Remember to make a right and left hand version.
Once the epoxy has dried, mark the centre point of the
wheel spat approximately 20mm (3/8”) up from the
bottom of the wheel spat.
Drill an 8.5mm (11/32”) hole through this centre point
of the wheel spats
Fit the wheels to the axles. Place a wheel collar
between the axle stub and the wheel.
Secure the wheel with a second wheel collar.
Carefully fit the wheel and axle assembly into the
wheel spat.
: The alloy landing gear is predrilled to fit the fu-
selage. Make sure that the wheel spats are fitted to
the correct alloy landing gear leg to give a right and
left assembly.