Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp 150W/75W Power Amplifiers
Active CobraNet Jack
Shows which of the two CobraNet jacks is currently active (only one can be active at a time).
Primary CobraNet Jack
: Shows the status of the primary CobraNet jack.
Secondary CobraNet Jack
: Shows the status of the secondary CobraNet jack.
Error Indicators
: A serious fault has occurred.
: An error has occurred in the reception of a packet. Not necessarily a problem.
: An error has occurred in the transmission of a packet.
: The interface is muting the outputs.
: There is a problem with the master clock.
Error Code
: Indicates a more detailed error code which can be looked up in the CobraNet programmer's manual.
13.2 Dante
Network Audio
Dante, created by
is an Ethernet based digital
AV network technology that
uses existing 100MB or 1GB
network infrastructure for
delivery of high performance,
high channel count audio
signals. Ashly products with
network audio capability can
be integrated into a Dante digital audio system by purchasing our OPTDante module
as a factory installed option, and controlled using Protea
Dante Controller
(shown to right)
Configuration of Dante audio streams requires
the use of
Dante Controller
. This free software from Audinate is available for Windows
and Mac OS X
. Dante controller allows you to connect network audio receivers and
transmitters together using a simple matrix. The OPTDante module allows the nXe
or nXp amplifier to receive Dante
network audio from another Dante source.
Dante Receiver
(shown at left)
Use Prote-
software to configure a pair of input chan
nels as Dante receivers. Go to the amplifier's
input source tab and select <Network> as
shown. This connects available Dante
channels to the amplifier inputs.
Dante Virtual Soundcard
(not shown)
Dante Virtual Soundcard
, purchased
separately from Audinate, allows Windows
and Mac computers to act as a Dante audio
source. Any sound the computer can gener
ate (background music, announcements,
VoIP sessions, etc.) can be routed to a Dante
receiver via the Dante controller.
Dante Controller
Transmitter/Receiver Matrix
Dante Receiver Setup in Protea