Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp 150W/75W Power Amplifiers
neWR-5 Remote Control Gain
The WR5/neWR5 gain block is the DSP block where channel gain adjustments are
made via the WR5 or ne-WR5 remote. This block is nearly identical to the standard gain block
except that it is also controllable via the WR5 or ne-WR5 remote and does not have polarity
inversion. This block may be linked for room-combining situations.
Graphic Equalizer
The graphic equalizer offers 31
standard ISO center frequency controls
with constant Q or proportional Q filters,
as well as adjustable filter bandwidth.
The flatten button returns all filters to
nominal. Individual filters can be returned
to nominal by pressing <Ctrl + Click> on
the fader knob. A course EQ curve can be
drawn quickly by left-clicking and drag
ging across the EQ frequency response
display. Multiple graphic equalizers may
be assigned to a link group so that their
controls will track.
Filter Type -
This selects
proportional Q or constant Q (default)
filters. Constant Q filters have consistent
Q/bandwidth regardless of the amount
of boost or cut. Proportional Q filters get
narrower with increasing boost/cut. Dif
ferences in filter shapes can be observed
on the frequency response display.
- This sets the bandwidth of the filters, from 1/4 octave to 1/2 octave (before proportional adjustment).
The default bandwidth is 1/3 octave.
Link Group
- Link group to which this block is assigned, used for stereo signals.
- Graphic representation of 31 filter amplitude controls.