Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp 150W/75W Power Amplifiers
Parametric Equalizers (10, 6, 4, or 2 band PEQ)
The parametric equalizer (PEQ) provides several types of filters to tailor the signal response with high precision. Four
sizes are provided, with 2, 4, 6 or 10 filters. Filter types include parametric, high-shelf, low-shelf, variable-Q high-pass, variable-Q
low-pass, all-pass, band-pass and notch. PEQ function blocks may be linked across channels provided they have the same type
and number of filters. Individual filter frequency and amplitude can be adjusted within the frequency response window by left-
click dragging their control. In certain filter types, left-click + right-click + drag adjusts the Bandwidth or Q.
Filter (number) -
Current active filter (highlighted).
Filter In/Out -
Green = filter in (engaged), Red = filter out (disengaged).
Filter Type
- Selected filter type. The types are:
: Symmetric boost/cut, allowing individual adjustment of center frequency, level and bandwidth.
Asymmetric boost or cut with "shelving" shape. Allows adjustment of the corner frequency
and amplitude. Slope can be selected as 6 dB/octave or 12 dB/octave.
: Mirror-image of high-shelf.
All Pass
: Provides no change in amplitude, but -180 degrees of phase shift at corner frequency.
: Infinite cut at specified center frequency, with adjustable bandwidth or Q.
Variable Q HPF
: Second order high pass filter with adjustable Q.
Variable Q LPF
: Second order low pass filter with adjustable Q.
Band Pass
: This will pass signals within the filter's response region. It allows adjustment of center frequency
and bandwidth/Q. Gain is 0 dB at the center frequency.
- Selected filter center/corner frequency.
- Selected filter boost/cut amplitude.
- Selected filter bandwidth (or Q). .