Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp Power Amplifiers
Release Time
- The rate (in ms/dB) at which the Compressor attenuation will return to normal, once the signal falls
below Threshold.
Link Group
- Group to which all parameters are assigned, to facilitate simultaneous adjustment to multiple Compres-
sors in the system.
Attenuation Bus
: All Compressors assigned to the same Attenuation Bus will apply the largest amount of attenuation
on any of the assigned Compressors. This can be used to facilitate "stereo" (or similar) operation of multiple Compressors.
Show Meter On Graph
- Overlays the Input/Output level meters on the graphical display.
- Selects between PEAK and AVERAGE operation of the Detector (see below).
Peak Detector -
Setting the detector to Peak means that the peak level of a signal is used to trigger the Compres-
sor. In Peak detect mode, Attack and Release times are both adjustable
Average Detector -
Setting the detector to Average means that the average level of a signal is used to trigger the
Compressor. Instead of separate Attack and Release controls, the Average Rate controls the speed at which the compressor functions.
The Auto Leveler is a dynamics processor used to automatically boost
or cut a signal to a user-defined target level. The Target Level is the primary
setting in the Autoleveler, as it determines the constant level to which an input
is boost or cut. The Autoleveler can be used in situations such as speech re-
enforcement, where an unknown source level needs to be maintained at a specific
output level. For example, a podium microphone where different speakers will
be presenting may have an auto-leveler applied to ensure that strong or soft
speakers' voices are amplified appropriately. The controls for the auto leveler
are split into two categories, Basic and Advanced. It is recommended you start
with the basic controls, and if fine tuning is required, use the advanced controls.
Warning: Depending on the settings, it is possible to apply up to 27dB of gain
with the auto leveler.
Basic Parameters:
Target Level
- The desired continuous output level of the signal.
- Sets the Ratio, Hold Time, and Gain Change Rates (see below
for definitions). These settings are general starting points for how the auto leveler
should behave. Action can also be user defined under Advanced Controls, with
three drag points available for a more visual adjustment.
Ratio Hold Time Gain Increase Gain Decrease
Aggressive 10:1
0 Seconds
20 ms/dB
5 ms/dB
1 Second
50 ms/dB
10 ms/dB
2 Seconds 100 ms/dB
20 ms/dB
Maximum Gain
- This is the total amount of gain the auto leveler may apply before it stops affecting the signal.
Maximum Gain controls the Threshold Below Target using the following formula:
Threshold Below Target = Max Gain
( ( 1
ratio) - 1)