Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp Power Amplifiers
9.4e Input Source Tab
Inputs are analog balanced line, AES3 digital audio (optional), or
network audio (optional). Setting the input source to Auto gives
priority to network audio, then AES3, then analog.
9.4f Metering Tabs (not shown)
There are three meter tabs, including general I/O Meters, Meter
Dynamics for gate and compressor/limiter functions, and Auto
leveler Meters. All meter tabs display both DSP input and DSP
output level for each channel.
9.4g Events Tab
The Events (Event Scheduler) tab allows
the user to program specific device ac
tions to occur based on the time of day
or day of the week. Scheduled events
can include Preset Recall, Power Status
Change, Channel Mute, Output Source
Select, and certain remote control set
tings. Up to 100 events can be scheduled.
All event schedule data is stored in the
A common use of the event scheduler
would be for programmable energy ef
ficiency. Schedule the amp to go idle or
off during down times, and turn back on
when the facility opens for business.
The date and time of the amplifier's Real
Time Clock (RTC) can be manually set
by the user, or set to the host PC clock.
There is an internal battery that powers
the RTC that has an estimated life of 12
years. If this battery fails, the RTC will
not function until the battery is replaced
by a qualified service technician.
9.4h Fault Log Tab (not shown)
The Fault Log is a register of amplifier
events triggered by fault conditions and date/time changes . It is useful for diagnosing an amplifier/system problem by allowing
the administrator to review events which may have led to a fault condition. The log can be saved as a XML text file.
9.4e - Input Source Tab
9.4g - Event Scheduler Tab