Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp Power Amplifiers
Pluggable DSP Block Descriptions
1) Dynamics Controls
Clip (Brick Wall) Limiter
The Clip Limiter is a compressor with fixed ratio (infinite). It allows
for user-adjustable threshold, attack time and release time. It also
allows for assignment to a Link Group to link the parameters of this
block with limiters on other channels. For a full-featured compressor/
limiter, refer to the Compressor.
- The signal level at which the Limiter begins to attenuate
the signal. (+20 to -20 dBu).
- The amount of attenuation to the signal above the threshold
point. Fixed at infinite, meaning no signal beyond this level.
Attack Time
- The rate (in ms/dB) at which the Limiter attenuates
the input signal, once the signal reaches threshold.
Release Time
- The rate (in ms/dB) at which the attenuation will
return to normal, once the signal falls below threshold.
Link Group
- Group to which all parameters are assigned, for simul
taneous adjustment to multiple Limiters
Show Meter On Graph
- Overlays the input/output level meters on
the Limiter graphical display.
- Fixed at Peak.
The Compressor function is a full featured Compressor/Limiter. It
allows for user-adjustable Threshold, Ratio, Attack Time, Release
Time and Detector type. The Compressor also allows for assignment
to a Link Group to facilitate adjustment of multiple Compressor/
Limiters simultaneously. A separate Attenuation Bus assignment is
provided to allow multiple limiters to force their gain reductions to
track each other, ie stereo signals. For simple peak limiting, the Brick
Wall Limiter can also be used.
- The signal level at which the Compressor begins to at
tenuate the signal. (+20 to -20 dBu).
- The amount of attenuation to the signal above the Threshold
point. Range is 1.2:1 to infinite.
Attack Time
- The rate (in ms/dB) at which the Compressor attenu
ates the input signal, once the signal reaches Threshold.