5. SW1SP will be flashing on the display.
This will allow the user to calibrate the
SW1 (Switch 1) set point.
6. Press the Up arrow
, this will cause the
first digit to flash.
7. If you wish to change this digit press the
up or down arrow buttons
(NOTE: for Bidirectional ranges you can
set the switch for a negative set point,
this will be designated by a minus sign
showing in front of the set point on the
8. Once you adjust the digit to the appropri-
ate number, press the Menu/Enter button
to get to the next digit.
9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 until all 5 digits are
displaying correctly. While the last digit is
flashing, press the Menu/Enter button
. Then SW1SP will be flashing on
the display. Press the Menu/Enter button
10. SW1RS will be flashing on the display.
This will allow the user to calibrate the
Switch 1 reset point.
11. Press the Up arrow
, this will cause
the first digit to flash.
12. To change this digit press the up or
down arrow buttons
(NOTE: for Bidirectional ranges you can
set the switch for a negative set point,
this will be designated by a minus sign
showing in front of the set point on the
13. Once you adjust the digit to the appro-
priate number, press the Menu/Enter
button to get to the next digit.
14. Repeat steps 12 & 13 until all 5 digits
are displaying correctly. While the last
digit is flashing, press the Menu/Enter
button . Then SW1RS will be
flashing on the display. Press the Menu/
Enter button again. SW1 setup is
now complete.
15. Then SW2 DISAB will flash on the dis-
play. If you also want to enable switch
two (SW2) repeat steps 4 through 14 to
setup SW2. If you do not wish to enable
SW2, simply press the Menu/Enter but-
ton while SW2 DISAB is flashing.
16. SAVE will flash on the display. Press
the Menu/Enter button to save
the settings for both SW1 and SW2. The
display will return to the main menu.
Once you have completed the set up
for the SWITCH (SWITC) function, any enabled
switch is indicated in the lower left portion of
the display. If SW1 or SW2 are energized the
display will show ON under the appropriate
switch, if SW1 or SW2 are de-energized the
display will show OFF under the appropriate
The rotating process valve actuator in
conjunction with the SpoolCal™ actuator tool
provides two types of available tests including
Calibrate (CAL) and Monitor (MONITOR)
through the appropriate Hi and Lo Port of the
SpoolCal actuator tool. In the CAL (Cali-
brate) mode, the GXLdp is isolated from the
process and allows externally generated test
pressure input for calibration. In the MONITOR
(Monitor) mode, the live system pressure can
be monitored with an ASHCROFT ATE-2 Cal-
ibrator or other handheld instrument without
physically unplugging the process tubes.
The “XPV” option supplies a SpoolCal™
actuator and 7˝ of silicon tubing. The actuator
tool can be set to either CAL (Calibrate mode),
MONITOR (Monitor mode) or OFF, and also
includes HI (high) and LO (low) differential
pressure ports.