Asetek InRackCDU Installation, Operation & Maintenance Guide 17
Connect Server Tube Sets to CDM
The tube sets, and connectors are color coded to
simplify connecting the server coolers to the CDM.
The supply tubes are marked with a blue ring, while
the return tubes are marked with a red ring. They
connect to the corresponding color-coded vertical
row of connectors on the CDM.
To connect individual servers to the CDM, follow the
steps in the picture to the right.
To disconnect the tube from the CDM, push the tube
connectors toward the CDM (about 1/8
inch) and
twist the connector counterclockwise until it stops.
The tube connector will be pushed off the CDM
connector by the springs inside.
Powering Up Servers
IMPORTANT: This procedure is only required when the rack is powered on for the first time in the
factory. It is critical to closely follow the instructions below to get any residual air out of the system.
Server coolers connect to the CDM via sets of connecting tubes. These tube sets are factory filled and
sealed with coolant. However, a small amount of air remains in the tubes and in the server coolers. While
the amount is small on an individual tube and server cooler basis, if the air in all the server coolers and
tubes is introduced into the CDU Cabinet at once, it can cause problems. To avoid these problems, follow
the steps below:
Servers are connected and turned on in IDLE mode from the bottom, 6U slots at a time
Let the above 6U servers run for 3-5 minutes.
Repeat Steps #1-2 for the next 6U slot servers.
Once all servers are powered on, let the entire rack run in idle mode for another 60 minutes.
Repeat above steps an eventual 2nd set of CDM’s
This process gradually introduces air into the system at a speed that allows the normal venting process to
clear the air from the InRackCDU System.
Once this initial process has been completed, all the servers may be powered off and on simultaneously.
This row-by-row power on sequence only needs to be followed the first time all servers are connected to
the InRackCDU System.