P/N PM000223A • Rev. 1 • ISS 9 August 2017
Installation Manual
NU-Series Hardware
Room Modules
7.22 NUMDC Medical Device Cable
P/N PM000203A • Rev. 1 • ISS 26JUN2017
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© 2017 Ascom, Inc.
NUMDC-H Medical Device Cable
Installation Sheet
The NUMDC-H Medical Device Cable is a cable used
exclusively with the NUMI2-HE External Input Module. The
NUMDC-H Medical Device Cable attaches to any third-party
medical device with a dry contact relay output approved
for connection a nurse call system. The NUMDC-H Medical
Device Cable features a small in-line box that includes a
three-position Priority Switch, a Test Call button, and an
Intentional Disconnect button.
NUMDC-H Medical Device Cable
The NUMDC Medical Device Cable must be used to connect
medical devices to the External Input module. It consists of
a 3-meter cable with an Ascom SafeConnect plug on one
end and two bare wires ready for connection to equipment
that provides a dry-contact relay output approved for
connection to a nurse call system.
The EOL resistor can be connected to a 3-pin relay or a 2-
pin relay. When connected to a 3-pin relay, the Ascom
system will detect line breaks and cord out of the cable
from the medical device side. When connecting to a 2-pin
relay, if the End of Line (EOL) resistor remains connected
to the wires when the cable is removed from the
equipment there will be no cord out indication. If the End
of Line (EOL) resistor remains connected to the equipment
and the cable is removed, the cord out indication will occur.
NUMDC-H Medical Device Cable and End of Line Resistor with 3-
pin Relay (Preferred)
(1) NUMDC Medical Device cable
(2) Medical device
(3) Dry relay contact: potential free, change-over contact
(4) End-of-line resistor (4.7k ohm) between the normally
open or normally closed contacts
Line Break Detection using a Normally Open Contact
The end of line resistor with a value of 4.7k ohm, ¼W is
connected across the normally open (NO) and normally
closed (NC) contact of the medical device.
NUMDC-H Medical Device Cable and End of Line Resistor with 2-
pin Relay
(1) NUMDC Medical Device cable
(2) Medical device
(3) Medical alarm contact potential free, normally open contact
(4) EOL resistor (4.7k ohm) across the normally open