ASCO 5010 Remote Display Unit
The System or average power factor with Lag/Lead (Cap/Ind)
Line to Line Voltage shows:
Voltage L1/L2 in volts or PU
Voltage L2/L3 in volts or PU
Voltage L3/L1 in volts or PU
Line Currents show:
Current Line 1 in amperes or PU
Current Line 2 in amperes or PU
Current Line 3 in amperes or PU
This is the Large Digit- the actual measured real time RMS value. In fact, the value displayed is an average of previous
number of measurements. Since the ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Meter calculates the RMS value for each
cycle, it is not practical to display every value measured. The amount of cycles averaged for display is configurable.
The measured value is displayed along with the element measured, for example line to line voltage as opposed to line
to neutral voltage or line current.
Extreme values- minimum and maximum values- are constantly replaced as new values are generated. These values
will continue to increase or decrease until they are reset by the user.
This key (F1) is used to toggle between the actual empirical measured value, volts or amperes, for example, and Per
Unit values. The PU value is the percentage of the base value defined by the Nominal Values input as explained in
section 8.4.2.