ASCO 5010 Remote Display Unit
When the IP address, subnet mask and gateway are configured, the ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Meter can be connected to
the network from the LAN1 port, and the ASCO 5010 RDU can be used from any network port to communicate, monitor and
configure the ASCO 5400 Series via the LAN1 port now configured and mapped by the administrator.
Using the ASCO 5010 RDU for ASCO 5400 Series Configuration across a LAN
If a number of ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Meters are installed and connected to the LAN before Network parameters are
configured, the Network Server will automatically allocate IP addresses, subnet masks and gateways to these instruments, since
the ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Meter ships from the factory with DHCP enabled.
In order to configure and monitor the ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Meter using the ASCO 5010 RDU across a LAN, the IP
address for the ASCO 5400 Series PQM must be input to the RDU. Since the Network Server randomly allocated addresses to
each ASCO 5400 Series PQM, the IP address for the ASCO 5400 Series PQM may not be readily available. For this purpose,
ASCO supplies an Automatic Search Utility to find and list all ASCO devices, ASCO 5010 RDU and ASCO 5400 Series, across a
LAN. The Automatic Search Utility is described in section 8.3 on page 24.
Once a list of ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Meters is compiled, it is possible to plug the ASCO 5010 RDU into a network
port and to configure and monitor these instruments one by one as follows:
Change the IP address of the ASCO 5010 RDU by following the directions in section 7.2 on page 17.
Press on the Network Key to arrive at the Connection Configuration screen:
Navigate to the IP address Field and press Enter. A list of previously visited ASCO 5400 Series instruments will