So you want to play synth bass with your left hand and some funky riffs with the
other? How about multi-timbral sequences, or layering two Voices to create
The Pad To End All Pads?
Whatever your musical requirements may be, Multi mode is the place to go
when your plans call for Matrix-12 V to have two or more Single mode presets
active at the same time.
How to switch modes
There are two main modes in Matrix-12 V: Single and Multi. However, what you
see in the Page bar are the words “Main” and “Voices”, so those aren’t what
you use to switch between the modes.
Here’s why: even though the Main page and the Voices page look pretty
much the same in each mode, they actually do different things depending on
the mode of the selected preset.
However, to enter Single or Multi mode you must select a preset that is known
to be one or the other type. And once you are in Multi mode, for example,
selecting a Single mode preset will take you back to Single mode.
Single mode vs. Multi mode
Visually Single mode and Multi mode seem very similar, but functionally they
are quite different. The focus of Single mode is the Main page, where
practically every synthesizer parameter known to man resides, for the express
purpose of creating a Voice. The Voice can stand on its own or become the
basis around which a Multi is constructed.
The focus of Multi mode, on the other hand, is the Voices page. As the plural
of “Voice”, the name “Voices” implies that Multi mode enables you to access
more than one “Voice” at a time.
The potentially confusing part is that there is a Main page in Multi mode and a
Voices page in Single mode. The advantages to this system, though, is that
there are certain parameters on both pages that are useful in either mode,
whether you’re dealing with a Single preset or a Multi.
But how do you tell which mode Matrix-12 V is in without loading a new preset
that you know is one or the other?
Here’s the fastest way we’ve found: If you’re on the Main page, click Voices in
the Page bar and look at the name field for the voices. If the voice names are
“greened out” and they’re all the same, Matrix-12 V is in Single mode.