Page 2
The Page 2 nameplate button reveals important settings such as VCO keyboard
tracking, LFO trigger modes and pitch bend/vibrato assignments for the levers, to
name a few features.
Most of what Page 2 offers are on/off parameters, with buttons that light when
activated. When a parameter is “on” its name will be underlined in the display; if it
is not underlined the parameter is “off”.
The Page 2 window in the bottom panel
As with the Parameter window, blue bars identify parameter groups and tabs are
used to access parameter sets such as LFO 1-5 and Ramp 1-4. None of the Page 2
parameters are available as destinations in the Modulation Page, so they do not
have additional buttons beneath their names.
All Page 2 parameters are MIDI-assignable.
Page 2 will remain in the bottom panel until one of the other nameplate buttons is
selected (KBD, FX, or MOD), or until one of the other pages is selected (Voices or
Program Chain).
Single mode: the Voices page
First of all: What’s a Voice?
There are two uses of the word “voice” related to Matrix-12 V. To keep them straight,
we capitalize one (“Voice”) and don’t capitalize the other (“voice”). Here’s a
definition of each:
voice: A unit of polyphony; i.e., the number of notes that can be played
Example: “The Xpander is a six-voice synthesizer.”
Voice: The collection of synthesizer parameters that make up a preset in Single
mode, not counting the FX settings.
Example: “This Multi was constructed by layering two Voices.”