We’ll take each of the Effect menu choices one at a time, starting from the top.
The first one is labeled None. Selecting this option will close the current FX module
and the Effect menu, removing that FX device from the signal path.
But None isn’t the option to use when you want to hear the sound without the FX
unit temporarily. You’ll notice every FX device also has a bypass button in its upper-
left hand corner, which is the quickest way to remove the FX module from the mix.
There is also a Wet/Dry slider which controls the percentage of the original signal
that passes through to the output. Moving this all the way to Dry will remove that
effect from the output.
One more thing: All FX parameters are MIDI-assignable, which means they “learn”
the controllers on your external USB MIDI device.
What follows is a description of each available FX device.
Sync: Locks the delay to the current tempo of the DAW and/or the rate of the
Phaser. (These are the only two FX modules with a Sync button.)
Link: Makes the delay mono, after which the top row of Time and Feedback controls
are used to adjust the effect
Time: A clockwise turn increases the delay time; a turn in the opposite direction
shortens it
Feedback: Adjusts the Feedback amount. Larger values cause the delay to be
heard longer
Pingpong: Hard-pans the effected signals so they “bounce” from left to right
Damping: Higher settings will roll off the high-frequency content of the delayed
signal more quickly
Wet/Dry: Sets the ratio between the original (dry) and modified (wet) signals
This digital delay repeats the input signal and creates an “echo”, giving it more
space and depth. The Time knob offers a range of settings from 4.5 milliseconds to
1 full second.