All other MIDI CC numbers may be used to control any assignable parameter in
Matrix-12 V.
MIDI controller configuration
There’s a small arrow at the far right hand side of the toolbar that deals with MIDI
controller configurations. This allows you to manage the different sets of MIDI maps
you may have set up for controlling the instrument’s parameters from MIDI
hardware. You can copy the current MIDI assignment setup or delete it, import a
configuration file or export the currently active one. This is a quick way to set up
different hardware MIDI keyboards or controllers with Matrix-12 V without having to
build all the assignments from scratch each time you swap hardware.
The lower toolbar
At the left hand side of the lower toolbar you will see a readout showing the value
or state of whatever control you are modifying. It will also display the current value
of a parameter without editing it: just hover the cursor over the related control and
the value will appear as pictured below.
The Panic button can be pressed to reset all MIDI signals in the event of stuck notes
or other issues. The Panic button is also MIDI-assignable.