Arrive HuddlePoint™
- 4010 - CMMH- User Guide
1. Introduction
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Arrive HuddlePoint™ 4010-CMMH!
1.1 Document scope
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the user with the product, and provide a guide
on the AHP-4010-CMMH installation and use. The Arrive HuddlePoint comes in three top AC
socket variants for use in North America, UK, and multi-standard (see Figure 3).
1.2 Product overview
For illustration purposes, this guide uses the HuddlePoint with a
Type B AC socket for reference.Type B sockets are commonly used
(but not limited to) by countries in North America such as the US
and Canada; South America, etc. Other than the top AC sockets, all
other functions remain the same across the variants (see Figure 3).
Figure 1: AHP-4010-CMMH with 2x Type B AC socket
Arrive HuddlePoint™ 4010-CMMH (maybe referred herein as the ‘hub’/HuddlePoint device/
AHP-4010/HuddlePoint 4010) is a BYOC Cable and Media Management Hub.This device is an
advanced, integrated all-in-one (AIO) in-room wired cable management and integrated AV
source switching system that includes:
Wired Multi-Format AV switching and scaling for legacy and wired connected
device presentations.
• Video source input auto-switching
• Smart device DC charging function
Tabletop universal AC socket for laptops and chargers
• Built-in USB 3.0 Hub, to provide BYO-conferencing functions
• Provides HDMI connection for wireless media presentation gateway devices