2.4.19 SET - Set Configuration
SET option <value>
The SET command allows the setting of user configurable options within dBUG. The options are listed
below. If the SET command is issued without option, it will show the available options and values.
The board needs a RESET after this command in order for the new option(s) to take effect.
baud - This is the baud rate for the first serial port on the board. All communications between dBUG and
the user occur using either 9600 or 19200 bps, eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit, 8N1. Do not
choose 38400 baud.
base - This is the default radix for use in converting number from their ASCII text representation to the
internal quantity used by dBUG. The default is hexadecimal (base 16), and other choices are binary (base
2), octal (base 8), and decimal (base 10).
client - This is the network Internet Protocol, IP, address of the board. For network communications, the
client IP is required to be set to a unique value, usually assigned by your local network administrator.
server - This is the network IP address of the machine which contains files accessible via TFTP. Your
local network administrator will have this information and can assist in properly configuring a TFTP
server if one does not exist.
gateway - This is the network IP address of the gateway for your local subnetwork. If the client IP
address and server IP address are not on the same subnetwork, then this option must be properly set.
Your local network administrator will have this information.
netmask - This is the network address mask to determine if use of a gateway is required. This field must
be properly set. Your local network administrator will have this information.
filename - This is the default filename to be used for network download if no name is provided to the DN
filetype - This is the default file type to be used for network download if no type is provided to the DN
command. Valid values are: “s-record”, “coff”, “image”, and “elf”.
autoboot - This option allows for the automatic downloading and execution of a file from the network.
This option can be used to automatically boot an operating system from the network. Valid values are:
“on” and “off”. This option is not implemented on the current of dBUG.
nicbase - this is base address of the network interface card. When using network card, the base address
of that card is needed by the dBUG in order to communicate with it. This command is used to inform the
dBUG of the address of the card. dBUG does not set or configure the interface card. It only uses this
address to access the card. The user should provide this information to dBUG.
nicirq - this is the IRQ used in the network interface card. When using network card, the IRQ used by
that card is needed by the dBUG in order to communicate with it. This command is used to inform the
dBUG of the IRQ of the card. dBUG does not set or configure the interface card. It only uses this IRQ to
access the card. The user should provide this information to dBUG.
To see all the available options and supported choices, the command is: