2.4.2 BM - Block Move
Usage: BM begin end dest
The BM command moves a contiguous block of memory starting at address begin, stopping at address
end, to the new address dest. The BM command copies memory as a series of bytes, and does not alter
the original block.
The value for addresses begin, end, and dest may be an absolute address specified as a hexadecimal
value, or a symbol name. If the destination address overlaps the block defined by begin and end, an error
message is produced and the command exits.
To copy a block of memory starting at 0x00040000 and ending at 0x00080000 to the location
0x00200000, the command is:
40000 80000 200000
To copy the target code’s data section (defined by the symbols data_start and data_end) to 0x00200000,
the command is:
data_start data_end 200000