ARMIGA User Guide v0.8
○ Carefully insert it back on its controller socket:
Make sure the half circle
in the PIC and the half circle in the socket match
(both pointing to the
chip 2 socket)
○ Carefully press the PIC, holding the controller on the down side for it not
to bend.
Be careful with your fingers as pins are located on that side
○ Now carefully insert the chip 2 on its socket.
Make sure the half circle in
the chip and the half circle in the socket match
(both pointing to the
○ Carefully press the chip 2, holding the controller on the down side for it
not to bend.
Be careful with your fingers as pins are located on that
○ Put the top cover of the Armiga, making sure all the connectors fit in their
○ Turn your Armiga upside down with being careful for the parts not to
○ Place the Phillips screws (star screws) back in place and gently screw
them half the way and once all are in place, screw them all the way.
● Android upgrade is not officially supported by the Armiga Project. Please refer to
for instructions.
● Upgrade your Armiga Android OS at your own risk.
● Always extract the microSD before upgrading Android OS to prevent damage.