To minimize the risk of transmitting blood-borne pathogens, the cleaning and disinfecting
procedure should be performed as recommended in the instructions below.
The Assure® Platinum Blood Glucose Monitoring System may only be used for testing
multiple patients when standard precautions and the manufacturer’s disinfecting procedures
are followed.
The meter should be cleaned and disinfected after use on each patient.
The cleaning procedure is needed to clean dirt, blood and other bodily fluids off the exterior
of the meter before performing the disinfecting procedure. The disinfecting procedure is
needed to prevent the transmission of blood-borne pathogens.
Always wear the appropriate protective gear, including disposable gloves. Select a wipe from
the table below and carefully review the manufacturer’s instructions.
Clean and disinfect the meter following step-by-step instructions in this QA/QC Reference
Manual. Use caution as to not allow moisture to enter the test strip port, data port or battery
compartment, as it may damage the meter.
ARKRAY has tested and validated the durability and functionality of the Assure Platinum
meter with the most commonly used EPA-registered wipes. Our testing confirmed the wipes
listed below will not damage the functionality or performance of the meter through 3,650
cleaning and disinfecting cycles. Please read the manufacturer’s instructions before using
their wipes on the meter. ARKRAY recommends using these wipes to clean and disinfect the
Assure Platinum meter:
Disinfectant Brand Name
Clorox® Professional
Products Company
Clorox® Healthcare Bleach Germicidal Wipes
Dispatch® Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels
with Bleach
Professional Disposables
International, Inc. (PDI)
Super Sani-Cloth® Germicidal Disposable
Metrex® Research
Clorox and Dispatch are trademarks or registered trademarks of Clorox. Sani-cloth is a trademark or registered
trademark of PDI. Metrex and CaviWipes are trademarks or registered trademarks of Metrex.
Additional options for cleaning and disinfecting the Assure Platinum meter.
If you choose to follow Options 1 or 2 below, we recommend you create supporting
documentation to justify your choice. Choosing a product not listed in the table above could
shorten use life or affect performance of the Assure Platinum meter.
Option 1
• Obtain a commercially available EPA-registered disinfectant detergent or germicide wipe.
A list of EPA registered disinfectants can be found at the following website:
• Carefully review the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Remove wipe from the container and gently squeeze out excess liquid.
• Clean and disinfect the meter following step-by-step instructions listed below in this
QA/QC Reference Manual.
• Use caution as to not allow moisture to enter the test strip port, data port or battery
compartment, as it may damage the meter.