6. To adjust tooth contact, use the following chart to
correctly shim the driven shaft.
7. After correct tooth contact is established, proceed
to Checking Backlash in this sub-section.
Checking Backlash
1. Install the drive bevel gear assembly and driven
bevel gear/output shaft assembly into the crank-
case bottom cover.
2. Mount the dial indicator so the tip is contacting a
tooth on the secondary drive bevel gear.
3. Firmly hold the bearings down and while rocking
the drive bevel gear back and forth, note the maxi-
mum backlash reading on the gauge.
4. Acceptable backlash range is 0.127-0.381 mm
(0.005-0.015 in.).
Correcting Backlash
NOTE: If backlash measurement is within the
acceptable range, no correction is necessary.
1. If backlash measurement is less than specified,
remove an existing shim, measure it, and install a
new thinner shim.
2. If backlash measurement is more than specified,
remove an existing shim, measure it, and install a
thicker shim.
NOTE: Continue to remove, measure, and install
until backlash measurement is within tolerance.
Note the following chart.
3. Once correct gear pattern and backlash are estab-
lished, install a new lock nut on the output drive
shaft and tighten to 59 ft-lb. Peen the lock nut to
the shaft.
4. Using an appropriate holding fixture and wrench
adapter, install the secondary drive gear nut and
tighten to 74 ft-lb. The output drive assembly is
now ready for installation.
Tooth Contact
Shim Correction
Contact at Top
Increase Shim Thickness
Contact at Root
Decrease Shim Thickness
Backlash Measurement
Shim Correction
Under 0.127 mm (0.005 in.)
Decrease Shim Thickness
At 0.127-0.381 mm (0.005-0.015 in.)
No Correction Required
Over 0.381 mm (0.015 in.)
Increase Shim Thickness
Table of Contents
Table of Contents