Arai tear-off posts are eccentrically mounted
so as to be adjustable to better accept looser
or tighter tear-offs. Adjust both posts by rotating
them so that the tear-off is taut across the
shield but not too tight so as to rip or distort
the tear-off <C>.
Then tighten the posts from behind with a
Philips head screwdriver while holding the
posts firmly in place with your, or an assistant’s
fingers. The posts are loose when shipped,
so be sure to tighten them before use even if
the tear-offs fit without adjustment <D>.
If applying multiple tear-offs, fold the pull tab
of the first tear-off so that the large grab hole
fits loosely of the shield post and crease the
fold flat <E>. Install successive tear-offs in
the same manner as the first, fold the pull tab
between each tear-off. Folding the last tab is
not necessary, but this will make grabbing it
Do not stack on too many tear-offs as this
may distort or diminish vision.
At high racing speeds, the pull tabs of the
tear-offs may rip or fray, or the tear-offs may
fly off when turning your head. Therefore, a
small piece of tape at each corner of each
tear-off will hold it firmly to the shield until
you pull it off <F>. Be sure to stagger the
tabs of tape for each tear-off to avoid pulling
lower ones off with the ones over them.