DiscGlo Operating Manual
line dividing 3 points
from 2 points, that puck is worth 2
points. This is because scores points on all his pucks that are
ahead of his oppo-nents.
of the table will have their points
counted. That person
Only the person whose farthest puck is
closest to the end
The player who scored points shoots first next round.
Knock Off 11
The first to reach 11 points wins.
Knock Off 15
The first to reach 15 points wins.
game except that the playing area is vastly different.
Crazy Shuffle:
You Vs. DiscGlo:
have the choice of playing
either Knock Off 11 or Knock Off 15 against the computer. This
game plays similar to a
Selecting this menu, you
between 2 and 9. Each player throws all of his pucks. Each
square is worth 100 times the value listed (2=200, 9=900).
Hangers are worth double! The end of the board has 16 squares
with numbers listed