G01 301 (Game option: 301, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901, 999)
(Double/Single Option: Double in/ Double out/ Double in & Double out)
In the case of game options 301, each player begins with 301 points, and must reach exactly
zero to win. The score of each dart thrown is subtracted from the beginning score of each round.
Exceeding zero causes the player to “Bust”, and the score returns to what it was before that round.
If so, it immediately moves on to the next player.
In the case of game options 501, 601, 701, 801, 901 and 999, the game is played the same as 301
except that a player starts with 501, 601, 701, 801, 901 and 999 points respectively.
The average score for each dart will be displayed at the end of the game.
G02 301 League (Game option: 301, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901, 999)
This game is played the same as 301, except each player has a partner, as in league play, 2 teams
with 2-4 players on each team. Each team uses two display windows, alternating turns. Team 1
= player 1, player 3, player 5 and player 7; Team 2 = player 2, player 4, player 6 and player 8,
depending on how many players in a team. Any team player can win the game.
Options: 1C, 2C, 3C, Sol
2C = 2 players in each team
3C = 3 players in each team
4C = 4 players in each team
Sol = 1 player in each team
The average score for each dart will be displayed at the end of the game.
G03 Count Up (Game option:100/200/300/400/500/600/700/800/900)
The score will be accumulated for each dart; the fi rst player who reaches or goes over the set
points will be the winner.
Game Option: 100/200/300/400/500/600/700/800/900 correspond to target points of 100,
200,300…….900 respectively.
G04 Round the clock (Game option: 105/110/115/120/205/210/215/220/305/31
0/315/ 320)
Hit in strict order of 1,2,3… until 5,10,15 or 20, single, double or triple depending on the dif-
fi culty. The fi rst player to reach the last score will be the winner. Players start their next turn with
the next correct number in the sequence. The computer will display the number that the player has
to hit.
105,110,115,120: The last number is 5,10,15,20 respectively regardless of single, double or triple.
205,210,215,220: The last number is 5,10,15,20 respectively and only double is valid.
305,310,315,320: The last number is 5,10,15,20 respectively and only triple is valid.
G05 Cricket (Game option: E00/E20/E25)
Cricket is played with the numbers 15 through 20 and the bull’s-eye. The fi rst player marks a
number three times & closes all the number is the winner. Marks are indicated in the cricket display
scoring system at the bottom of the board. One mark is indicated by one segment “/”, two marks
by two segments “X”, three by two segments plus a circle and the number is closed “
scoring system at the bottom of the board. One mark is indicated by one segment “/”, two marks
”. Doubles
count as two marks, and triples as three. After a number is closed but is opened for scoring (that is
the other player has not yet closed that number), a player scores points by hitting that “opened”
cricket number.