Keep c hild ren a nd p ets a wa y from equip m ent w hile in use.
Use your
for its intend ed p urp ose a s d esc rib ed in this m a nua l.
Lea ve yourself 1 m etre sp a c e a round you w hen using your Aqua tub e.
Only use ord ina ry ta p wa ter. Do not fill w ith other liquid s or m a teria ls.
After a d d ing or rem oving wa ter, d ry off a ny sp illa ges or sp la shes.
Ensure the c a p is sec ured tig htly b efore use.
Alwa ys wea r the a p p rop ria te workout c lothes a nd footwea r w hen exerc ising.
Follow the wa rm -up exerc ises b efore you c om m enc e your workout.
Sta rt slow ly a nd p rog ress g ra d ua lly.
Only use a qua ntity of wa ter suita b le for your fitness levels a nd goa ls.
d rink the wa ter stored in your Aqua tub e.
For your sa fety a nd the sa fety of others
the following sa fegua rds a re very importa nt.
Fa ilure to rea d a nd follow these instructions ma y lea d to serious injury.
We alwa ys recommend that you talk to your Doctor before embarking on any
new exercise regime if you ha ve had any recent surgery, are pregnant, if you
ha ve an injury or if you ha ve concerns about your health or levels of fitness
that you think additional exercise ma y aggra vate.
Alwa ys discontinue exercising if you experience dizziness or shortness of breath.
Talk to your Doctor before resuming exercising if you experienced nausea, pain or
other acute abnormal symptoms, or are simply concerned about continuing.
To a void d a nger of suffoc a tion, p lea se keep a ll p la stic b ag s out of the rea c h of c hild ren.
Chec k tha t there is no d a m age to the unit p rior to use. In c a se of visib le d a m age b efore or
d uring use, stop using your
a nd c onta c t your Vend or.
is d esig ned for hom e use only a nd is not intend ed for c om m erc ia l use.
Plea se reta in a ll p a c kag ing & p a p erwork for future use. Store sa fely a wa y from c hild ren & a nima ls.
Do not store a nything on top of your
Do not store a nyw here the wa ter ma y freeze.
Protec t from imp a c ts a nd sha rp ob jec ts.
Only use a mild d etergent solution for c lea ning.
Clea n the outsid e w hen nec essa ry a nd the insid e w ith mild d etergent c lea ning solution
a nd rinse thoroug hly w ith wa ter.
Model No.
: F001DBT
Made in China
Your AQUATUBE is a fun way to exercise every muscle in your body
and you can customise it to your personal goals.
Get Fitter Faster