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Keep  c hild ren a nd  p ets a wa y from  equip m ent w hile in use.


Use your 


 for its intend ed  p urp ose a s d esc rib ed  in this m a nua l. 


Lea ve yourself 1 m etre sp a c e a round  you w hen using  your Aqua tub e.


Only use ord ina ry ta p  wa ter. Do not fill w ith other liquid s or m a teria ls.


After a d d ing  or rem oving  wa ter, d ry off a ny sp illa ges or sp la shes.


Ensure the c a p  is sec ured  tig htly b efore use.


Alwa ys wea r the a p p rop ria te workout c lothes a nd  footwea r w hen exerc ising. 


Follow  the wa rm -up  exerc ises b efore you c om m enc e your workout.


Sta rt slow ly a nd  p rog ress g ra d ua lly.


Only use a  qua ntity of wa ter suita b le for your fitness levels a nd  goa ls.



 d rink the wa ter stored  in your Aqua tub e.

For your sa fety a nd the sa fety of others 

the following sa fegua rds a re very importa nt.


Fa ilure to rea d a nd follow these instructions ma y lea d to serious injury.

We alwa ys recommend that you talk to your Doctor before embarking on any 

new exercise regime if you ha ve had any recent surgery, are pregnant, if you 

ha ve an injury or if you ha ve concerns about your health or levels of fitness 

that you think additional exercise ma y aggra vate. 


Alwa ys discontinue exercising if you experience dizziness or shortness of breath. 

Talk to your Doctor before resuming exercising if you experienced nausea, pain or 

other acute abnormal symptoms, or are simply concerned about continuing.



To a void  d a nger of suffoc a tion, p lea se keep  a ll p la stic  b ag s out of the rea c h of c hild ren.


Chec k tha t there is no d a m age to the unit p rior to use. In c a se of visib le d a m age b efore or 
d uring  use, stop  using  your 


 a nd  c onta c t your Vend or. 




 is d esig ned  for hom e use only a nd  is not intend ed  for c om m erc ia l use. 


Plea se reta in a ll p a c kag ing  & p a p erwork for future use. Store sa fely a wa y from c hild ren & a nima ls.




Do not store a nything  on top  of your 



Do not store a nyw here the wa ter ma y freeze.


Protec t from imp a c ts a nd  sha rp  ob jec ts.


Only use a  mild  d etergent solution for c lea ning.


Clea n the outsid e w hen nec essa ry a nd  the insid e w ith mild  d etergent c lea ning  solution 
a nd  rinse thoroug hly w ith wa ter.

Model No.

: F001DBT  

Made in China

Your AQUATUBE is a fun way to exercise every muscle in your body 

and you can customise it to your personal goals.

Get Fitter Faster

Содержание F001DBT

Страница 1: ...fore using your Aquatube This apparatus is intended for domestic use only in accordance with the instructions provided in this manual Ideal Sourcing Ltd Ideal Home House Newark Road Peterborough PE1 5WG Please read these instructionscarefully and retain for future use Model No F001DBT USERMANUAL ...

Страница 2: ...concernsabout your health or levelsof fitness that you think additional exercise may aggravate Alwaysdiscontinue exercising if you experience dizzinessor shortnessof breath T alk to your Doctor before resuming exercising if you experienced nausea pain or other acute abnormal symptoms or are simply concerned about continuing UNP ACKING T o avoid danger of suffocation please keep all plastic bags ou...

Страница 3: ...ou fill it any more than this it will reduce the Flow Resistance T raining benefits 4 Replace cap and wipe off any excess water Customising your Aquatube After following the Filling your Aquatube steps 1 Check weight is suitable 2 If your AQUATUBEfeels too heavy remove some water If it feels too light add more water 3 Once you have reached a comfortable weight replace cap and wipe off any excess w...

Страница 4: ...from a wall or chair with your feet hip width apart Keeping your toespointed forward move one leg in close to the chair while extending the other leg behind you Bending the leg closest to the chair and keeping the other leg straight place your hands on the chair Keep the heel of the back leg on the ground and move your hips forward Slowly lean forward from the ankle keeping your back leg straight ...

Страница 5: Extend one leg out in front of you and keep that foot flat against the ground With your hands resting lightly on your thighs bend your back leg and lean forward slightly from your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh Be sure to lean forward from the hip joint rather than bending at your waist Hold for 20 to 30 seconds Repeat the exercise for the opposite leg ST ANDING HAMST ...

Страница 6: ...cked underneath 1 Elbows wide more stable 2 Elbows narrow less stable If extra safety grip is required invert Aquatube position upper arms in handle recesses AQUATUBEon 1 shoulder shoulder arm on top to steady opposite arm underneath on hand HIGH SINGLE END DOUBLE H S E D NATURALHOLD held overhead AQUATUBEstood on end 1 hand on the upper handle palm up or palm down as required Grip in recessed end...

Страница 7: ... on one shoulder twist and swap to alternate shoulders Keep your AQUATUBEparallel and horizontal to the floor 3 Cradle Squat 4 T orso T wister Whilst standing hold your AQUATUBEacross your chest with your forearms tucked in the recess of the handles Slowly bend your knees as low as you can comfortably go Then bring yourself back up slowly Make sure you keep your chest up and back straight Eitherst...

Страница 8: of exercising with AQUATUBEis Flow Resistance T raining you re exercising with a resistance the weight of the water but you re also exercising with a moving resistance as it flows which delivers greater benefits Don t forget to cool down Get Fitter Faster AQUAT UBEEXERCISES BEGINNER 1 Quad Squat 2 Flip Hold your AQUATUBEat chest height perform a squat as low as you feel possible and come back u...

Страница 9: ...ur AQUATUBEhorizontally above you bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor Bring one knee up as close to your AQUATUBEas possible and then back down Repeat on the other leg T o make this more challenging do both knees at the same time Sets Reps For best training benefits 2 sets of 12 reps per exercise with a 60 second rest between sets is recommended However longer recoveries and fewe...

Страница 10: ...he head and back down Make sure your AQUATUBEstays parallel to the floor and stops at the 6 o clock position Repeat in the opposite direction 3 Golf 4 Kayak From standing hold your AQUATUBEat thigh height swing your AQUATUBEto the left in a similar movement to a golf swing turning from the waist bring back down Repeat for both sides From standing position hold your AQUATUBEat chest height Make a p...

Страница 11: ...ow Resistance T raining you re exercising with a resistance the weight of the water but you re also exercising with a moving resistance as it flows which delivers greater benefits Don t forget to cool down Get Fitter Faster AQUAT UBEEXERCISES ADVANCED 1 Sidewinder 2 Speed Skater From standing hold your AQUATUBEat chest height lunge forwards and swing your AQUATUBE to the side until it is parallel ...

Страница 12: ...ATUBEdown to your side as close to the floor as you feel comfortable Keeping straight arms bring your AQUATUBEback up above your chest and repeat on the other side Make sure not to arch your lower back Sets Reps For best training benefits 2 sets of 12 reps per exercise with a 60 second rest between sets is recommended However longer recoveries and fewer reps can equally be appropriate If you are f...

Страница 13: ... 2016 Ideal Sourcing Ltd AQUATUBEUSER MANUAL Ideal Shopping Direct Limited Ideal Home House Newark Road Peterborough PE1 5WG Made in China E OE 11 16 V1 4 ...
