All exerc ises use the Na tura l g rip
1. Rock N Roll
2. Bazooka Twist
Either standing or seated, hold your AQUATUBE at shoulder height, laterally pivot on alternate sides from
the waist so your AQUATUBE tilts up & down. Keep your elbows tucked into the body.
Either standing or seated,
hold your AQUATUBE like a
Ba zooka on one shoulder,
twist a nd swa p to a lterna te
shoulders. Keep your
AQUATUBE pa ra llel a nd
horizonta l to the floor.
3. Cradle Squat
4. Torso Twister
Whilst sta nding, hold your
AQUATUBE a cross your chest
with your forea rms tucked
in the recess of the ha ndles.
Slowly bend your knees, a s
low a s you ca n comforta bly
go. Then bring yourself ba ck
up slowly. Ma ke sure you
keep your chest up a nd ba ck
stra ight.
Either standing or seated hold your AQUATUBE a t shoulder height, rota te from the wa ist a nd
then bring to the centre, before doing the next side.