page 14 | Home II + Remineralization Installation Instructions 08/13 |
Check over all of the steps. Make sure all of your tubing is inserted firmly into the various adaptors.
You may now turn the manual shut-off valve found on your feed water line back to its “ON” position.
Your 3.2 Gallon water storage tank will now begin filling and will take a maximum 2-3 hrs to fill to
capacity for its first time and quicker thereafter. Once the tank has filled, empty all the water out of the
water holding tank and let refill. To empty all water from your storage tank once filled you simply need
to open your faucet until the output from the faucet turns to a fast drip or slow trickle. The R.O. Mem-
brane is filled with food grade preservative for quality assurance and the final polishing filter and the
holding tank’s water bladder should be flushed out before consuming the water. Empty two full tanks
of water in order to ensure proper flushing of your entire system. After flushing two full tanks, you can
then drink and cook with the ultra purified water.
After emptying your water storage tank twice, allow your system to pressurize. Monitor closely for
potential leaks. If leaks do occur, turn the Manual Shut Off Valve attached to the 4 inch piece of red
tubing found on the feed water line to its “OFF” position. The nature of water is to find the path of
least resistance. Some initial small leaks are not unheard of. If a leak does occurs at any time please see
Aquasafe’s LEAKS PREVENTION SECTION on the page 16 of this document.
Congratulations on completing the installation process. You may now start drinking the ultra puri-
fied drinking water you desire for the health and enjoyment of you and your loved ones.
If you require further clarification after going through all of the information of these instructions,
please feel free to email Aquasafe for further support at: [email protected]
14.0 Extra information for the Home II + Remineralization COMBO
14.1 Where do I install the PSI Meter from my “COMBO” System?
you have purchased the Home II System Combo, your system came with
a PSI Meter as seen in Figure 23. It is not necessary that the PSI Meter be
installed onto your system. The PSI Meter is provided as a convenience to
you as your entire system operates from water pressure. If need be, the
PSI Meter allows you to determine the water pressure at any point on your
Reverse Osmosis System which can make troubleshooting of any potential
problems on your system extremely easy. However, if you chose to install
the PSI Meter onto your system, there are two main areas where installing
the PSI Meter on your system can be of use.
Option 1. If you are on a well water system, and you think you may have
lower then 50 psi throughout your home’s plumbing, a good
place to install the PSI Meter is on the feed water line to your Re-
verse Osmosis System. This will allow for easy monitoring of the
source water pressure entering your Reverse Osmosis System. Your system needs consistent
pressure at 50 psi or above. Typical well water systems will top out at 60 psi and bottom out
at 40 psi. If your water pressure is below, or does drop below, 50 psi we highly recom-
mend an automatic booster pump available on our website in General Reverse Osmo-
sis Parts & Accessories.
Figure 23
The PSI Meter