Data Logging and Communications Set up
Data logging facilities are a standard in all
“C” series controllers, and with the Data Log
interval set to 30 mins - over 4 weeks of data
logged on a 24/7 basis, can be stored before it
is over written. See Set Data Logger Screen on
page 15.
Down loading the Data Log
The data in the data log can be retrieved in a
numbers of ways namely -
1. The data log can be down loaded locally to
a laptop using the
HyperTerminal pro-
gram available in Microsoft Windows pro
gram, via a Serial cable attached to a laptop
and to the DB9 connector fitted internally in
the controller.
2. If a GSM modem and a SIM data card have
been fitted, the data log can be retrieved re
motely by again using HyperTerminal.
Both of these methods retrieve the data log in text
format which will need further importation into an
Excel spreadsheet for trending and graphing for
reporting means.
3. Using AquaGuard 2 (30 day trial version) or
AquaGuard 2 + Activation Key, allow for the
data to be download into a database and with
direct importation into an Excel spreadsheet
- CWT_Graphs.xlt template to automate the
graphing, summary, and trending charts, and
speed up reporting. Use of a serial cable
and a laptop allows for local download as in
No. 1 above.
4. Where a GSM modem with a SIM data card
has been fitted - full remote control is avail
able using AquaGuard 2 software as in 3
above, plus alarms to 3 phones, and remote
start up of disinfection, or changes to set
points - all from the PC or laptop in your of-
fice or car.
HyperTerminal Setup
1. Start
Programs, Accessories, Communi-
cation, HyperTerminal
to start the program
(the program that is run is
2. Start a session called
(or another
meaningful name).
3. Select using ‘
Direct to Com 1
’ (the most
likely communications port). It will then ask
for settings of COM1. Select
9600 baud, 8
bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow con
4. Select
Transfer Capture Text
and name
your file as normal download file names i.e.
Site-month-year.txt (e.g.
for a
April 2006 download at site XYZ).
5. Press
then downloads will start as nor-
6. At the end of the download, select
Capture Text Stop.
7. The file with a .ht extension will be saved by
File Save.
8. Make a short cut on the desktop to this file.
All the settings will then be configured so
when you go into it from the short cut start
from step 4.
We now have the downloaded data from
the controller in text form. The txt file can
now be imported into an Excel spreadsheet
to obtain trend graphs etc..
9. Open up the Excel spreadsheet, it will ask
you what file you would like to import. Select
the file as named in step 4.
10. The data will import into the spreadsheet and
you can commence to set up trend reports,
graphs, etc.
System Configuration
System Configuration