15 | © 2017 Aquaglide
Leaks must be patched with the item completely deflated and patches
must be allowed to cure for 12 hours minimum. Curing for 24 hours is
highly recommended. In most cases you will need enough room to inflate
the product for inspection.
Following these instructions and using patch material similar to the original
material is the best way to ensure the strength and durability of your
Aquaglide product.
1. Take care to position yourself in a clean, dry area with good ventilation.
For proper curing of adhesives temperature should remain above 50
degrees F and relative humidity below 60%.
2. Repair Kit Contents: PVC patch material, MEK cleaner, 220 grit
sandpaper, PVC glue, shop towel, china marker, instructions.
3. Additional items that may be needed: Air pump, sharp scissors and / or
razor knife, dish washing liquid, water, small bowl or spray bottle, rubbing
alcohol, clamps, wood for clamp use (see images), Tear-Aid™ Patch
1. If there is a problem with air leaks, you will need to locate the leak(s) first.
2. Inflate your Aquaglide product fully. Some small leaks can close
themselves at lower air pressures, so it is best to maintain full pressure
by re-inflating periodically while checking for leaks.
3. Use a soapy water solution (50% / 50% dish soap & water) and a
cloth to check for leaks. Work slowly around the product spraying or
swabbing-on soapy water solution. Look for growing bubbles, which
indicate a leak.
4. Once a leak is confirmed, dry the area well. Mark leak with china marker
and prepare to patch.