Rathsbergstrasse 17
90411 Nuremberg / Germany
Trade register:
Nuremberg HRB 23727
USt.-Id-No.: DE 256 058 089
D-U-N-S: 31-260-0530
phone: +49 911 / 65 00 79-50
+49 911 / 65 00 79-79
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.aprotech.de
Managing Director:
Peter Jung
Industrial Panel- and Box-PCs
4. Secure the two (2) screws (indicated in
) to complete the enclosure assembly for
GOLUB 4515 systems. For GOLUB 4545 systems, please secure the fan onto the enclosure.
GOLUB 4515 systems
GOLUB 4545 systems
5. For GOLUB 4515, plug in the 3-pin fan power connector and secure the power cable cover
with screws (indicated in red) to complete the enclosure assembly procedure.