Rathsbergstrasse 17
90411 Nuremberg / Germany
Trade register:
Nuremberg HRB 23727
USt.-Id-No.: DE 256 058 089
D-U-N-S: 31-260-0530
phone: +49 911 / 65 00 79-50
+49 911 / 65 00 79-79
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.aprotech.de
Managing Director:
Peter Jung
Industrial Panel- and Box-PCs
Before disassembling the system enclosure and installing components and modules, please make
sure you have done the following:
It is recommended that only qualified service personnel should install and service this product to
avoid injury or damage to the system.
Please observe all ESD procedures at all times to avoid damaging the equipment.
Before disassembling your system, please make sure you have the module/ component you wish to
install at hand and have all the necessary tools.
Before disassembling your system, please make sure the system has powered off, all cables and
antenna (power, video, data, etc.) are disconnected.
Place the system on a flat and sturdy surface (remove from mounts or out of server cabinets) before
proceeding with the installation/ replacement procedure.
3.1 Disassembling the System Enclosure
For GOLUB 4515 systems, you may skip steps 2 & 3.
To install internal components such as M.2 SSD, memory module, mini-PCIe or MezIO™ module, you need
to disassemble the system enclosure. Please refer to the following procedures:
1. Remove the two (2) screws indicated in
GOLUB 4515 systems