use and maintenance
Scarabeo 250
Tampering with the noise control system is
prohibited. Federal law prohibits the
following acts or causing of them:
a) The removal or rendering inoperative by
any person other than for purposes of
maintenance, repair, or replacement, of
a n y d e v i c e o r e l e m e n t o f d e s i g n
incorporated into any new vehicle for
the purpose of noise control prior to its
s a l e o r d e l i v e r y t o t h e u l t i m a t e
purchaser or while it is in use, or
b) The use of the vehicle after such device
or element of design has been removed
or rendered inoperative by any person.
Acts presumed to constitute tampering
a) Removal of or puncturing the muffler,
baffles, header pipes or any other
component which conducts exhaust
b) Removal or puncturing of any part of
the intake system.
c) Lack of proper maintenance.
d) Replacing any moving part of the
vehicle, or parts of the exhaust or intake
system, with parts other than those
specified by the manufacturer.
This product should be checked for
repair or replacement if the vehicle
no i s e h a s in c re as ed s i g ni f i c an t l y
through use. Otherwise, the owner may
become subject to penalties under state
and local ordinances.
If any of the following symptoms are
observed, immediately have your vehicle
inspected and repaired by your Local
– Difficult starting or stalling after starting.
– Irregular idle.
– M i s f i r i n g o r b a c k f i r i n g d u r i n g
– After-burning (backfiring).
– Poor engine performance, reduced
handling, or poor fuel economy.
Scarabeo250USA.book Page 6 Friday, July 22, 2005 6:17 PM