use and maintenance SL mille
If the writing “
” appears on the
right side of the multifunction display,
stop the vehicle and let the engine run
at 3000 rpm for approximately two min-
utes, thus allowing the coolant to circu-
late regularly in the system; then press
the engine stop switch to position “
and check the coolant level, see p. 36
If the writing “
” is still displayed
a f t e r t h e c o o l a n t l e v e l h a s b e e n
checked, contact an
Do not turn the ignition switch to posi-
tion “
”, since the cooling fans would
stop independently of the coolant tem-
perature and in this case the tempera-
ture would increase further.
If the writing “
” appears, on the left
display (multifunction) during the nor-
mal operation of the engine, this means
that the electronic unit has detected an
anomaly. In many cases, the engine
keeps running with reduced perform-
ance levels; immediately contact an
Official Dealer.
Avoid opening and closing the throttle
grip repeatedly and continuously, so
that you do not accidentally lose control
of the vehicle.
If you have to brake, close the throttle
and put on both brakes in order to ob-
tain uniform deceleration, properly ex-
erting pressure on the braking parts.
By putting on the front brake only or the
rear brake only, you reduce the braking
force considerably, thus running the
risk of locking one wheel and conse-
quently losing grip.
If you stop uphill, decelerate completely
and use the brakes only to keep the ve-
hicle steady.
The use of the engine to keep the vehi-
cle steady may cause the overheating of
the clutch.
Before beginning to turn, slow down or
brake driving at moderate and constant
speed or accelerating slightly; avoid
braking at the last moment: it would be
very easy to skid.
If the brakes are operated continuously
on downhill stretches, the friction sur-
faces may overheat, thus reducing the
braking efficiency.
Exploit the engine compression and
shift down by putting on both brakes in-
Never drive downhill with the engine
When visibility is insufficient, switch on
the low beam even during the day, in or-
der to make your vehicle more visible.
In case of wet ground or scarce wheel
grip (snow, ice, mud, etc.), drive slowly,
avoiding sudden brakings or manoeu-
vres that could make you lose grip and
fall down.
Pay the utmost attention to any obsta-
cle or variation of the ground. Uneven
roads, rails, manhole covers, indica-
tions painted on the road surface, build-
ing site metal plates become rather slip-
pery by rain. For this reason all these
obstacles have to be carefully avoided,
driving smoothly and leaning the vehi-
cle as little as possible.
Always use the turn indicators in time
when you intend to change lane or di-
rection, avoiding sharp and dangerous
Switch off the direction indicators as
soon as you have changed direction.
Be extremely careful when you overtake
other vehicles or are overtaken.
In case of rain, the water cloud created
by big vehicles reduces visibility; the
air shift may make you lose control of
the vehicle.
Ing-01.fm Page 48 Friday, December 17, 1999 11:14 AM