Quilting Basics
Roll the Quilt Top on the Roller
Once your quilt top is attached to the quilt top roller, begin winding the quilt on to the roller using the following
checks and balances:
Check that the quilt’s sides are winding evenly and are staying in
line with each other. (If your quilt was not “square” to start, then
the quilt’s left and right edges may not align.)
Use horizontal seams in the quilt to check that it is rolling straight
the seams should stay parallel to the roller. If not, twist the seams
that are wrapping
the roller to tighten them, until the
horizontal seam stays parallel with the roller.
With each seam that wraps around the roller, twist the seam as if to
“tighten” it onto the roller. This allows the quilt to stay flat and
prevents sagging side borders. Work the seams as shown below
until the horizontal seams again align parallel to the roller. The
larger the quilt, the more important this critical step becomes.
Horizontal seams should
not twist. Photo above is
showing twisting.