1.3 Cautions
This player's design and manuf acture has your safety in mind. I n order to safely and
effectively use this player, please read the following before usage.
1.3.1 Usage Cautions
User should not modify this player. If commerc ial hard disk is being used, the
environmental temperature should be 5 to +50.
1.3.2 Power supply
The player's power voltage:
DC 12V
When using this player, please connect the supplied AC adapter to the player's power
jack. Please ma ke sure it can no t get damag ed or be subject to p ressure. To reduce
the risk of electric shock, unplug the adapter first before cleaning it. Never connect the
adapter to the pl ayer in a humid or dusty area. Do not replace the adapter or cabl e's
wire or connector.
1.3.3 Radio Interference
If not properly shielded, almost all electronic devices will get radio interference. Under
some conditions, your player might get interference.
The design of th is play er has f ollowed the FC C/CE standard, an d has follo wed t he
following rules:
(1) This player may not cause harmful interference;
(2) T his player could accept so me in terference received includin g interferenc e
that may cause undesired operation.
1.3.4 Repair
If the player has a problem, you should take it to an appointed repair center and let the
specialists do the repair, never repair the player yourself, you might damage the player
or endanger yourself or your data.